In the multi-tiered accreditation decision-making process, peer evaluators play a crucial role as the initial layer. They are integral to the peer review process, visiting institutions undergoing different types of accreditation reviews either on-site or by examining written reports and supporting documentation. Peer evaluators actively contribute to decisions regarding preaccreditation (Candidacy) and accreditation. With the institution's objectives in mind, peer evaluators meticulously evaluate whether the institution aligns with the accreditation standards outlined in GCFHEA's Standards for Accreditation, Requirements of Affiliation, policies and procedures, as well as relevant federal regulatory requirements.
The Global Commission for Higher Education Accreditation (GCFHEA) invites public feedback on proposed revisions to our Accreditation Standards and Requirements of Affiliation. Gain insights and contribute by reviewing a recorded message from GCFHEA President Dr. Heather F. Perfetti and visiting the 2022 Periodic Review of GCFHEA Standards for Accreditation webpage.